Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Orchestrating Prayer

By Gail E. Dudley
Vice President of Diversity
Stonecroft Ministries

Prayer is not a solo activity. At the least, it’s two people—you and God. Often, it’s a small group, an entire congregation, or members of a specific ministry or organization.

Recently, I was thinking about the Call To Me movement and how we focus on specific themes each month. Sometimes we are in the same room with others praying, but often we are miles, states, and even oceans away from each other. Still, we are united through Call To Me and by our Intercessor, Jesus. As I was wondering about this, a certain image came to mind.

Think about a symphony orchestra. The most important person in an orchestra—the conductor—does not play an instrument at all. The conductor's job, at its most basic level, is to indicate the beat of the music.

The conductor holds a silent instrument, the baton, used to instruct each orchestra member. With each movement of the baton, the conductor instructs with imaginary points to indicate the beat in the bar the orchestra should be playing together.

Think about Jesus. He is the most important person during prayer. When your heartbeat begins to line up with His heartbeat, you will find yourself praying what He is praying. “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done…” You are now praying what He desires you to pray. You are now focused on His thoughts and His will and His direction and find that your thoughts are no longer as important as before. Your mind is now focused on Christ Jesus.

As you become more intimate with Jesus through prayer, you will learn His voice. As the conductor, He will prepare you. Jesus will speak to you boldly, compassionately, through a whisper, and will instruct you.

What word pictures would you use to describe prayer?

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