Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Blog to Share God's Words

By Lisa Heidrich
MidSouth Divisional Field Director

Why not begin a blog to keep account of the prayers you submit before the Lord?

Lists, journals, prayer-chains, and paper and pencil all have their place in logging our supplications before God, but how about adding a new venue? Give a Prayer Blog a shot. You don't have to start one on your own, but can experiment with blogging on an established site. For example, the Call To Me prayer blog is a great place to start. Just record your prayers, and God’s answers, in the comment section below.

A blog is a diary kept on the internet, with frequent updates, intended for public viewing.  That is the official definition. If you ask me, a blog is an opportunity to share our conversations with God, His Word, our witness, and His response to our petitions.

 Sound scary?  I think of Ezra and his prayer; “My God I am too ashamed and embarrassed to lift my face to you because my sins are too many, higher than my head...” Yes, prayer is an intimate time with the Lord, but some of our prayers are worthy for display to share with others. They will connect people to Jesus Christ and the power in praying. 

When I think of an ancient writer who might be an everyday blogger, the apostle Paul comes to mind.  He was not afraid to share his prayers with the public. As you read his writings, look for his public proclamations. The Old Testament is full of accounts in which God was beseeched in public, and praised in public for His answers and His goodness.

Today, our public square is the internet.

Remember His ear is open to our prayers. The more interceding the better. Give it a good try. You never know whose life your prayers might touch across this universe!

Please use the comment section below and share your thoughts on prayer using the blog or share a prayer that may touch someone’s life.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Blockage to Prayer -- Unforgiveness

By Gail Dudley
Vice President of Diversity and Call To Me national leader

Is there unforgiveness in your heart? This could be what’s hindering your prayers. Yes, God hears your cry, but we must first go and forgive the person who may have offended us. Sometimes the person we must forgive is the person we see in the in the mirror.

When we choose not to forgive we hold on to our fleshy views and feelings. Selfishly, we want time to be angry; therefore we hold the person hostage who we believe has caused distress in our life. We find ourselves in a posture of praying with the thought which reflects, I’ll pray as long as I can pray for the Lord to teach them a lesson! Sad to say, but this is how I have thought, felt, and prayed at times.

When we are preoccupied, unforgiveness can cloud our communication with Jesus. When you experience unforgiveness it may be a good time to read Psalm 139:23: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts.”

Want freedom? Desire to have healthy conversation with God? Release the unforgiveness. Forgive. It is not worth it and it will cause great pain to you in the long run—as well as a broken relationship with Jesus. Jesus came to bring life and an abundant life—live a life free in Jesus.

Would you like to share with our readers? Please share your experience of unforgiveness and forgiveness in your prayer journey. Share the steps you took to deal with the unforgiveness that may have blocked your prayers in the comment section below.