Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Prayer Changes Things

By Pamela M. Tolson
Lead Prayer Consultant
Southern Division

“You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.” —Matthew 21:22

What would I do without prayer? I do not know what I would do without prayer. I learned at an early age that prayer is what sustains one throughout their Christian walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.

I grew up in a powerful house of prayer. My mother prayed four times a day: 6:00 a.m., noon, 6:00 p.m., and midnight. No matter what we were doing when my mom would start praying, we had to stop and pray with her. She taught me that if I wanted a closer walk with the Lord, I had to talk to Him and listen to Him. I asked her what she meant about talking to Him. She said, “Exactly what I mean, talk to the Lord as if He was sitting right in front of you. Have a personal relationship with Him. No matter where you go or what you do, if you cannot take the Lord with you then you do not belong there. He is your friend and He needs to communicate with His friend.”

From that very moment, I started talking to Him aloud and in my private time. The more I talked with the Lord, the more I relied on Him.

I do not know what I would do without prayer in my life. I have heard the words in Thessalonians 5:17: “Pray without ceasing.” I have gone through many trials and tribulations with prayer and trusting in the Lord, and I have come through them all.

I have been serving with Stonecroft for seven years and this has been my calling: PRAYER. For well more than a year women have gathered together in the southern region to pray on a monthly conference call. We focus on praying for those who aren't yet in a relationship with Jesus Christ. God has answered our prayer many times.

I am a witness that PRAYER changes things. Have you witnessed PRAYER changing things around your life or your communities? Please share. Just use the comment area below. We would love to hear from you.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Yes, Lord, I Hear You Loud and Clear

By Cindy Faulkner
Stonecroft Prayer Consultant
Southern Division

To a Christian, prayer is essential to stay connected to God. Christ is our example in how and when to pray.  He prayed to His Father when alone in a secluded place, He prayed when in a crowd, He prayed as He began His ministry, and when He chose His disciples.  He never missed an opportunity to pray. He prayed before going to the cross. Jesus prayed for Himself, and He prayed for you and me (He still does!). Jesus gave us the perfect example of prayer.

Do we pray, listening and expecting His answer? Sometimes, we need to simply listen for the voice of God throughout our day. He finds ways to communicate His answers to us. He speaks to us through His Word, or through the wisdom of another Christian. Sometimes He speaks to me through the words of a song.

Recently, on the way to a Call to Prayer at a church in Atlanta, I had to drive on the Interstate, in the rain, during morning traffic time. I was totally out of my comfort zone. I began praying. I had a storm raging inside of me. I began singing “I will praise you through this storm.” As I prayed and sang, my fears calmed.  Traffic was flowing at a nice speed. I felt His presence. Suddenly, three miles before my exit, I saw a wall of red brake lights before me. It was then I clearly heard His voice through the radio. Casting Crowns’ song, “Praise You in this Storm” began playing. I had to smile, He had everything under control. “Yes, Lord, I hear You loud and clear.” 

Are you listening for His answer?